Rev. Legs Malone

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Dusting off this beautiful blog

Hey you beautiful people! It’s been a hot minute since I wrote on this lovely blog and I’m ready to brush it off and pick it back up again.

It’s incredible to me how flexible time is. I could have sworn I hadn’t written in several months. And yet, my last post was from well over a year ago.

In the spirit of my unfinished Day of Prayer posts, I wanted to include one that I had left in my drafts folder. I find it to be very timely. At the time of typing this, the coronavirus is running rampant and fear and worry (along with misinformation) are flying about. In light of the quarantines popping up all over the world, I am reminded of the quote that speaks to the importance of tending to your own garden. For me, gratitude is a fast way to get my feet back on the ground and my head in alignment with the rest of me. In that spirit, here is a short prayer I started many, many months ago:

Today, I take this moment to bow my head and be thankful. This act of gratitude creates major transformation in my life. I give thanks to Divine Intelligence for its infinite wisdom and boundless compassion as I create heart-centered changes in my life. So be it.